Posts in Getting Started

On Being Ruderal

A lecture-performance on spontaneity, adaptation, bad herbs, and unwelcome thoughts.

Ruderal Dinner

A seasonal dinner with a performative twist on unwanted plants and thoughts.

Elements of Coexistence

Elements of Coexistence aims to reflect poetically on our shared existence on planet Earth through the global commons, such as water, soil, seeds, air, and sunlight.

Ruderal Practices

An artistic co-curating project exploring how we can inhabit, survive and grow in in-between and precarious environments.

BUNKERS: Architecture of fear, architecture of hope

An artistic research project that reflects on the topic of bunkers -as the ultimate shelters- with the aim of questioning through this concept how we humans cope with past, present and upcoming social and environmental catastrophes.

The Bird Choir - Mimicking Is Surviving

The Bird Choir reflects on how we, humans, like birds, incorporate in our lives other strange sounds to survive, to fit, to be anonymous, to be safe, to protect us and to protect our relatives.

I come from…

This installation is the result of an interview project in search of answers to the question Where are you from? without answering with the names of cities or countries.

The Moon

This installation was an invitation to contemplation and rest. It was meant as an antidote to the acceleration and hyperconnectivity of the present.