Bibliothek der Künstler*innen, Weimar (Library of FLINTA* Artists, Weimar)

Digital and physical archive, 2021-Ongoing. In collaboration with Sophie Foster.

The Library of FLINTA* Artists, Weimar, is an artistic project that exists as a growing archive alongside a public outreach programme around a collection. This collection includes donated and found secondary material such as artworks, documents and images that form a usable resource to contribute to the mediation of the city’s resident FLINTA*-artists, past and present. Due to its ever-changing nature, the library can exist in many forms and spaces, both digital and physical. The aim is to act as a meeting place to collaborate, research and share with others about the collection. This will initiate events such as workshops, exhibitions and performances.

Photo: Bernardita Bennett • Open Library Days, in the framework of Kunstfest Weimar 2021. Ilm-Park, Weimar, Germany.

Photo: Bernardita Bennett • Open Library Days, in the framework of Kunstfest Weimar 2021. Goetheplatz, Weimar, Germany.

Photo: Bernardita Bennett • Part of the collection displayed during the Open Library Days, in the framework of Kunstfest Weimar 2021. Weimar, Germany.

The Library of Women Artists is generously funded by the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Thüringen (2021). The Open Library Days were possible thanks to the collaboration with Kollektiv Kubik and Studio Urlaub.

Instagram: @bdk_weimar

Note: Thumbnail photo by Bernardita Bennett

Posted on:
January 1, 2021
1 minute read, 199 words
Getting Started
See Also:
On Being Ruderal
Wer ist diese Frau? (Who is this woman?)
Ruderal Dinner