No todo brilla (Not everything shines)

Site-specific public space installations, photography, video and mixed media, 2018.

The desperation produced by the impatience of waiting for something to happen, to pass. For the traffic jam to pass, for the taxi to pass, for the rain to pass, for the insecurity to pass, for the hostility to pass. Sometimes there are distractions: a dog, one graffiti, a familiar song, or someone falling. The thought changes and comes back to oneself: what if it is me who falls? Anxiety and uneasiness return. The traffic jam continues, the taxi doesn’t pass, it’s still raining, it’s still unsafe, and it’s still hostile.

Everyday life celebrations and reminders about the good and/or difficult moments of life. Inflatable golden balloons installed in the public space in various locations in Bogotá, Colombia, acted as unexpected signs to slow down and reflect on our humane concerns, situations, thoughts and feelings.

RESPIRA PROFUNDO (BREATH DEEPLY) • Site-specific installation with golden balloons. • Bogotá, Colombia.

ALGUNAS COSAS SALEN MAL (SOME THINGS GO WRONG) • Site-specific installation with golden balloons. • Bogotá, Colombia.

CUENTA HASTA EL NUMERO QUE NECESITES (COUNT UNTIL THE NUMBER THAT YOU NEED) • Site-specific installation with golden balloons. • Bogotá, Colombia.

TODO SE DEVUELVE (EVERYTHING COMES BACK) • Site-specific installation with golden balloons. • Bogotá, Colombia.

TODOS LOS DÍAS AMANECE (EVERY DAY DAWNS) • Site-specific installation with golden balloons. • Bogotá, Colombia.

ENCUENTRA TU CENTRO (FIND YOUR CENTER) • Site-specific installation with golden balloons. • Bogotá, Colombia.

PUEDE SER (IT MAY BE) • Site-specific installation with golden balloons. • Bogotá, Colombia.

TODO A SU TIEMPO (EVERYTHING IN ITS TIME) • Site specific installation with golden balloons. • Bogotá, Colombia.

Tree and abandoned couch. • Acrylic on golden balloon. 2018

Posted on:
June 1, 2018
2 minute read, 275 words
Getting Started
See Also:
On Being Ruderal
Wer ist diese Frau? (Who is this woman?)
Ruderal Dinner